
Up early to watch chickens 'burst' from nighttime tree roosts. No chickens today:-/

But poetry floods my heart:

Taupe vellux blanket

Skims flesh, ribs, channel of breath

As palms softly clatter

Envelope of sky

Reveals cloud, ocean,palm.

Sacred daybreak space.

Through clouded ear jam

Peeps tweets whistles echo

Chanting thanks to God

Mac nut cream Pie for breakfast

Fruit plate

Granola 'sprinkles'

Head to Kilauea Lighthouse

Rained out, no whales

Anini Beach time

Hanalei Gourmet lunch

Reuben and Hanalei Waldorf.

(. Window) shopping

Drive to Hanalei Colony Resort to look at art

McMasters for slack key at 4:00. I wrote to ask sandy if they had an Animal Spirit presentation. She didn't write back. Ut incorporated dragonfly, turtles, shama bird, on the fly. Fed Pilgrim at 5, then stayed until 7 visiting!

Home at sunset to lasagna salad and wine;)

Watched the Butler until Netflix died and went to bed, only taking 1/2 melatonin now and able to awaken at 6 am to sit, breathe listen. 


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